About Pet Wills & Bequeath Gifts
A bequest is one of the easiest gifts to make. With the help of an advisor, you can include language in your will or trust specifying a gift be made to a pet organization or the Pet Endowment Trust as part of your estate plan.
Suggested Bequest Language
Considering making a lifetime gift to a local pet advocate group or organizations? Use this information as a reference point the next time you update your will, trust, or estate plan. In addition, PET is pleased to offer a no-obligation consultation detailing opportunities available to you.
Please contact the PET Office at (409) 651-9808 or PetEndowmentTrust@gmail.com for more information.
Step 1: Choose a Beneficiary:​
Choose the organization you wish to donate to as a beneficiary. The 501(c)(3) or (c)(4) status can affect the distribution of your assets in relation to estate tax.
Contact your tax person for more information.
Be sure to use the full name of the pet organization and its legal address for in all legal documentation.
If you wish to donate to the Pet Endowment Trust and have the Pet Endowment Trust make arrangements and coordinate pet care or placement actions based on your wishes, please include this information with your estate planner or attorney:
Pet Endowment Trust, PO Box 6 (1525 Lacey Lane), Silsbee, Texas 77656 of Hardin County Texas
Federal Tax ID # 88-2062739
Step 2: Choose Your Type of Gift:​​
A bequest can be made in several ways:
You can gift a specific dollar amount or asset
You can gift a percentage of your estate
You can gift from the balance or residue of your estate
You can make a beneficiary designation of certain assets
Step 3: Language For Your Type of Gift:​​
The following is suggested language for your legal professional to integrate into your will or trust. The type of gift you want to make will determine the correct paragraph to choose. For instance, if you know you want to leave a specific amount of $40,000 choose suggestion "a" for a specific bequest and fill in the blanks. If you want to leave 15 % of your entire estate, choose suggestion "b" for a residuary bequest and fill in the blanks. Suggestion "c" is for non-monetary gifts and you can use it for equipment or other tangible items. Also, use the pet organization beneficiary you choose in step 1 to help fill in the blanks below.
a) General or Endowment Specific Dollar Bequest
I give, devise and bequeath to the (name of pet organization), ( address of pet organization ), the sum of $____________ (or here otherwise describe the gift) for general purposes as shall be determined by its organization management Board.
b) General or Endowment Residuary Percentage Bequest
All (or state a _______%) of the rest, residue, and remainder of my property, both real and personal and whosesoever situated, I give, devise and bequeath to the (name of pet organization), ( address of pet organization ), for general purposes as shall be determined by its organization management Board.
c) General or Endowment Gift of Equipment or Other Personal Property
I give, devise and bequeath to (name of pet organization), ( address of pet organization) (here describe the gift, ex: coins, property, equipment and/or firearms) for its ), for general purposes as shall be determined by its organization management Board.
Step 3: Schedule an appointment and have your will or trust updated:​​
Your legal professional may have other preferred text, the suggestions above are only shown as a guide.**
** It is strongly urged that you consult with an attorney in your state of residence to ensure that any and all appropriate language that may be state specific is included in your gift language so that your ultimate wishes and charitable goals will be realized.
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